“Big polluters get help from the state, renewing doubts about California’s climate goals,” CALmatters
Covering updates to California’s cap-and-trade program and the potential for oversupply in the program to interfere with achieving California’s ambitious emission reductions goals, Julie Cart of CALmatters spoke with Near Zero’s Danny Cullenward.
“California’s cap-and-trade system may be too weak to do its job,” Vox
Providing in-depth coverage of California’s climate policies and flagship cap-and-trade program, Dave Roberts of Vox spoke with Near Zero’s Danny Cullenward, and drew heavily on Near Zero’s work on cap-and-trade implementation in California.
“California Gov-elect Gavin Newsom faces pressure to cut $77 billion high-speed rail project after audit,” CNBC
Covering California’s high-speed rail project and future funding from the cap-and-trade program, Jeff Daniels of CNBC spoke with Near Zero’s Danny Cullenward
“California Gov. Jerry Brown Was a Climate Leader, but His Vision Had a Fatal Flaw,” The Intercept
“There’s no question the state is taking bold action in several critical areas, but the idea that we’re on track for our current statewide goals and therefore ready to credibly increase ambition is misplaced.” Near Zero’s Danny Cullenward, speaking with The Intercept about California climate policy.
“Economists question cap-and-trade rules,” E&E News
Covering climate policy and California’s carbon market, Debra Kahn of E&E News spoke with Near Zero’s Danny Cullenward, an author of the recent report of the state’s Independent Emissions Market Advisory Committee
“Amid dire climate warnings, blue state pledges carry new weight,” The Christian Science Monitor
“California is in the interesting situation of exploring the path to deep decarbonization.” Near Zero’s Danny Cullenward, speaking to The Christian Science Monitor about subnational climate policy action and California’s leading role.
“California advances an ambitious climate policy that should be a model for the world,” MIT Technology Review
Covering the passage of SB 100, a California bill requiring 100% of the state’s electricity to come from zero-carbon sources by 2045, MIT Technology Review spoke with Near Zero’s Danny Cullenward.
“Snub from Ontario doesn’t dampen Calif. auction,” E&E News
“The number of allowances offered for sale at auction right now is significantly higher than covered emissions are going to be. When people buy all of the allowances, oversupply is growing because we’re offering more allowances than people need in the short term.” Covering California’s cap-and-trade market, E&E News spoke with Near Zero’s Danny Cullenward.
“Trump makes his biggest move on climate with car rules,” E&E News
Covering the Trump administration’s proposal to freeze vehicle fuel efficiency standards, E&E News spoke with Near Zero’s Danny Cullenward.
“California’s huge energy decision: link its grid to its neighbors, or stay autonomous?” Vox
Covering grid regionalization in the West, Vox’s David Roberts spoke with Near Zero’s Danny Cullenward.